liquid deicer

The Superior Choice Over Calcium and Rock Salt for Winter Maintenance Introduction

As winter approaches and the chill sets in, the familiar sight of snow-covered roads, driveways, and sidewalks becomes an annual challenge for property owners and managers. To ensure safe and accessible surfaces, deicing agents are a necessity. While calcium chloride and rock salt have been traditional options, the introduction of liquid deicers offers a more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly solution. In this blog, we’ll delve into the advantages of using liquid deicers over calcium and rock salt for winter maintenance.

Efficiency and Effectiveness With Liquid Deicers

Liquid deicers, formulated with a mix of salts and additives, offer rapid and effective snow and ice melting capabilities. When applied, they create a liquid brine that has a lower freezing point than water, allowing it to quickly melt snow and ice upon contact. This immediate action is especially crucial for time-sensitive situations, such as clearing roads and walkways during rush hours or emergencies. In comparison, rock salt requires time to break down into its brine form, delaying its deicing effectiveness. Liquid deicers boast lower application rates when compared to traditional rock salt or calcium chloride. Due to their potent formulation, a smaller quantity is needed to achieve the same deicing results. This means that less material is required for the same coverage area, ultimately reducing costs and minimizing the environmental impact.

Reduced Environmental Impact

One of the most compelling reasons to choose liquid deicers over calcium and rock salt is their reduced impact on the environment. Calcium chloride and rock salt can harm vegetation, corrode metals, and seep into groundwater, negatively affecting local ecosystems. Liquid deicers, on the other hand, minimize these concerns by using controlled and targeted application methods. They also contain environmentally-friendly additives that help mitigate potential damage, making them a more sustainable choice for winter maintenance.

Enhanced Safety and Long-Lasting Protection With Liquid Deicers

Liquid deicers provide better traction and minimize the risk of slip-and-fall accidents. When applied, they create a thin, even layer of liquid brine that adheres to surfaces, preventing the formation of ice and providing better grip for pedestrians and vehicles. This proactive approach to safety sets liquid deicers apart from rock salt, which can lead to uneven melting and slippery patches. Liquid deicers have the advantage of forming a protective barrier that prevents ice from bonding to surfaces. This preventive measure reduces the need for frequent reapplication and minimizes the accumulation of ice over time. In contrast, calcium chloride and rock salt require regular reapplication, leading to higher costs and increased usage.

Cost Savings

While the upfront cost of liquid deicers might be slightly higher than traditional options, the long-term savings are significant. The reduced application rates, enhanced effectiveness, and minimal reapplication requirements translate to lower overall expenses. Additionally, the reduced need for costly repairs and replacements due to corrosive effects further contributes to cost savings.


As the winter season approaches, the choice of a deicing agent becomes a critical decision for property owners and managers. While calcium chloride and rock salt have been prevalent choices, the introduction of liquid deicers presents a superior alternative. With their efficiency, reduced environmental impact, enhanced safety, long-lasting protection, and cost savings, liquid deicers offer a compelling solution for effective winter maintenance. By making the switch, we not only ensure safer surfaces but also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally-conscious approach to snow and ice management.